The police launched an investigation after a woman in her 50s died and a man in his 60s who was with her was found seriously injured at a motel in Incheon.
According to the Incheon Namdong Police Station, around 7 am today (14th)메이저사이트, a man in his 60s called 112 at a motel in Namdong-gu, Incheon, saying, “I killed someone.”
The police who responded to the report found B, a woman in her 50s, dead in a hotel room.
No significant trauma was found on Mr. B.
Ms. A, who was in the same room, suffered serious injuries after inhaling pesticide and was taken to the hospital for treatment. It is reported that her condition is not in danger of life.
It was discovered that they knew each other and had been staying at a motel together for a few days.
Based on the details of the report, the police believe that it is highly likely that Mr. A attempted an extreme choice after killing Mr. B, and are investigating the details.
In addition, we plan to request an autopsy from the National Institute of Forensic Science to determine the exact cause of Mr. B’s death.