Assaulted 14 people alone in 10 minutes… How was the ‘Mandang Rampage’ possible

It took only 10 minutes for a suspect in his 20s to injure 14 people in a knife attack at a shopping mall in Seohyeon Station, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do. It took only two minutes for him to drive into a building and wield a weapon after driving a vehicle into a crowd.

However, after he committed the crime, he was arrested by the police without extreme resistance while walking down the street with the weapon thrown away. Experts diagnosed that the damage occurred in an instant because it was a soft-target crime that indiscriminately attacked individual citizens.

5:56 PM on the 3rd, “Traffic Accident at Seohyeon Station Shopping Mall”

Summarizing the CBS No Cut News coverage on the 4th , the first 112 report of the Bundang Seohyeon Station knife riot was received at 5:56 pm the previous day. The report was received immediately after the suspect in the case, Mr. A (22), ran into citizens with a vehicle.

Mr. A drove a pearl-colored morning vehicle to the bus stop in front of Seohyeon Station AK Plaza Bundang Branch and hit four passers-by. The impact of the accident damaged the driver’s side wheel and side mirror.

Mr. Kim (53), who was at the scene, said, “The vehicle rushed into the sidewalk and made a loud noise. At first, I thought it was a drunk driver who caused the accident.” “he said.

But Mr. A’s crimes did not stop there. Mr. A went straight to the second floor of the shopping mall without thinking about turning off the headlights. It was found that he was in possession of a weapon and was not in a situation to be stopped because he was 50 meters away from the entrance.

3rd 5:58 PM “A man stabs people with a weapon”

Mr. A, who entered the shopping mall, brandished a weapon indiscriminately. After the first report, a report of a ‘killer riot’ was received in just two minutes. The complainant reported to the police that “a man was stabbing people with a weapon.”

The crime happened in an instant before the citizens could escape. Since the shopping mall is connected to Seohyeon Station, there is a lot of floating population, and Mr. A’s indiscriminate attack was possible as it overlapped with work hours.

If you watch the closed circuit ( CC ) TV inside the Seohyeon Station AK Plaza Bundang branch , Mr. A in a black hoodie and white hat chases after the frightened citizens. He caught up with a citizen ahead of him and stabbed him in the back with a weapon. Moreover, as Mr. A attacked indiscriminately without distinguishing gender or age, all citizens around him became targets. Among the nine people who were victimized by Mr. A, men and women in their 20s, men in their 60s and women in their 70s were all included.

At 6:05 pm on the 3rd, Mr. A was arrested for walking bare-handed.

However, after injuring 14 people, Mr. A’s aggression is said to have decreased. According to eyewitnesses, Mr. A, who had been on the 2nd and 1st floors of the shopping mall, exited the building, threw away the weapon, and walked leisurely.

The direction he was walking was in the direction of the Bundang Police Station’s Seohyeon Precinct, and two citizens who found Mr. A entered the precinct and reported the crime, and a police officer from the district went out and broke Mr. A’s arms and subdued him. Mr. A said that he was caught by this police officer without extreme resistance.

All of this was done in 10 minutes by a man in his 20s alone in the middle of the city.

Citizens are also trembling with anxiety when such unexpected violent crimes occur. Resident Kang Mo (54) said, “It’s a place overflowing with people going to work every morning and evening. I didn’t know that something like this would happen here.”

Expert “Soft target crime targeting ordinary citizens… Recurrence possible”

Experts say the damage was great because it was a soft-target crime that was vulnerable to indiscriminate attacks such as terrorism. It is said that large-scale damage occurred because it was a crime against ordinary citizens in a public place such as a shopping mall or concert hall메이저사이트.

Lee Woong-hyeok, professor of police department at Konkuk University, said, “This incident is a public space used by citizens and a soft target crime targeting a place with a large floating population.” ” he pointed out.

He said, “Because similar crimes can occur anytime and anywhere,” he said, “rather than the practice of scoring the suspect’s psychopath, it is time to reform the public security environment at the national level.”

Regarding the reason for Mr. A’s lack of resistance after injuring 14 people, he said, “If he spewed out the aggression he wanted, he would have achieved his goal, so it would have been meaningless to have extreme aggression against another person.” expected

There was also an opinion that the motive for the crime should be clearly analyzed. Seung Jae-hyeon, a senior researcher at the Korea Institute for Criminal Justice Policy, said, “Mr. A attacked citizens indiscriminately, but his outfit showed the nature of a copycat crime, such as wearing sunglasses and a hoodie to cover himself,” adding, “The suspect was severely punished. Before the principled opinion that it should be done, it is necessary to collect similar cases and find out the cause, such as life history research, to prevent another crime.”

Police, investigative team organized… Arrest warrant application plan

The police organized an investigation team of 63 people, with the head of the Bundang Police Station as the team leader, a homicide officer at the Gyeonggi Southern Office, a violent crime investigation unit, and a profiler. The police plan to find out the motive of the crime and apply for an arrest warrant for Mr. A.

So far, the police are identifying 14 victims, including 5 citizens who were hit by vehicles and 9 citizens who were stabbed with weapons. Among them, a female victim in her 60s who was hit by a vehicle was taken to the hospital in a state of cardiac arrest and is now said to be in critical condition. A woman in her 20s who was stabbed with a weapon is also undergoing surgery.

It is known that Mr. A is currently engaged in a delivery business. After being arrested by the police, he was reported to have been babbling, such as saying, “Someone is trying to harm me.” The drug brief test was confirmed negative.

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