A woman in the middle of the road in the middle of the night… Driver ‘stunned’

 A driver burst into anger saying that he had메이저사이트 barely escaped an accident after finding a woman lying on the road in the middle of the night.

On the 13th, a black box video titled ‘This woman lying on the road, why is she doing this?’ was uploaded on the YouTube channel ‘Han Moon-cheol TV’ . Informant A shared a story he experienced while going to work at night on a road in Dong-gu, Ulsan, around 11:00 pm on May 24, 2021.

Mr. A said, “This road is 50 km per hour, but there are no cars at this time, so there are usually a lot of cars that run more than 70 km per hour.” he explained.

Mr. A said that at this time, a faint object entered his eyes. He recalled, “I thought the yellow safety fence had fallen off because I was doing apartment construction on the left side of the road, but (the closer I got), the creepier it was. It was a person.”

In the released video, a barefoot woman in shorts was lying in the middle of a road with her legs spread wide and beckoning.

Mr. A, who honked in surprise, said, “I stopped on the right side because my legs were shaking. I had all kinds of thoughts. If I had passed by because I was negligent in looking ahead or speeding, I would have lived as a criminal.”

He then appealed, “I think I drank a little. I think I was lying down for the purpose of choosing a theater troupe, but I know that I was drunk and screaming because I couldn’t achieve my goal.”

In addition, Mr. A added, “At that time, I should have stopped in the first lane, turned on the emergency lights, called 112, and handed over to the police, but I regret why I didn’t think of that at that time.”

Attorney Han Moon-cheol said, “If the black car hit this person, it would be difficult to get acquitted. It was a straight road, so I could avoid it.” I requested.

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