Black Pink Lisa, Louis Vuitton chairman’s son and dating rumors again… airport sightings

Lisa of girl group BLACKPINK has been caught up먹튀검증 in dating rumors again with Frederic Arnault, the son of Bernard Arnault, chairman of the world-famous luxury group Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy ( LVMH ).

American Hallyu media ‘Koreaboo’ ( Koreaboo ) raised a dating rumor saying that Lisa and Arno were spotted together in an airport lounge in the United States.

Last month, an eyewitness story of the two dating at a restaurant in Paris, France, was leaked around the online space. Frederic Arnault is the fourth son of

Arnault LVMH chairman and the CEO (CEO) of luxury watch brand TAG Heuer.

Lisa’s agency, YG Entertainment, did not take a special position on the dating rumor.

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