Kim Haeng hearing failure… “If you can’t handle it, resign” vs “Chairman apologize”

The hearing for Kim Haeng, Minister of Gender Equality and Family, ended in the middle of the night.

After the declaration of adjournment, the ruling party메이저사이트 members and candidates did not return, so the meeting was eventually adjourned.

The opposition party’s position is that it will continue the hearing today.

Let’s take a look at the night’s situation, which included shouting and physical fighting, on screen.

[Kim Haeng / Candidate for Minister of Gender Equality and Family: It has been 20 days since I was nominated as a candidate for Minister. I don’t even know what happened. I am now being portrayed as the main culprit of stock price manipulation in that incident. How can I prove that I am not?]

[Kwon In-sook / Chairperson of the National Assembly Gender Equality and Family Committee: You have to prove it. The candidate should do it.]

[Kim Haeng / Candidate for Minister of Gender Equality and Family: Are you not accusing me of a criminal offense? The fact that I came here and am now treated like a criminal… .]

[Yang Lee Won-young / Representative of the Democratic Party of Korea: If it is unfair, please disclose the data.]

[Kwon In-sook / Chairman of the National Assembly Gender Equality and Family Committee: If you cannot handle this, resign. If you don’t submit the materials and keep saying that you haven’t committed a crime and then report it without being able to prove it, you shouldn’t say that you can’t provide the materials.] The ruling party members strongly opposed Chairman Kwon’s resignation remarks, saying that the Chairman is not neutral

. I did it. There was a lot of shouting as the chairman asked for an apology.

Afterwards, the ruling party members declared that they would leave together with candidate Kim, and a physical fight broke out as Chairman Kwon In-sook and the opposition party members tried to stop this.

In the end, a suspension was declared.

The ruling party members and candidate Kim did not return. The Democratic Party plans to eventually break up and hold another hearing today, but it is unclear whether it will proceed.

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