Kim Ha-sung, “I’ll be a better hitter at the end of the season” …Home run for two days in a row is full of confidence

“At the end of the season, there are people who will be better hitters.”

San Diego shortstop Kim Ha-sung (29), who hit a home run for two consecutive days against Arizona, expressed confidence.

Kim Ha-sung started as shortstop and eighth batter at a home game held at Petco Part in San Diego, California on the 9th (Korea time). Kim Ha-sung’s home run on the day broke out in his first at-bat in the bottom of the second inning.
Kim Ha-sung, who entered the batter’s box with runners on the first and third bases scoring right, hit a four-seam fastball with two pitches and a distance of 104.3 miles (152 kilometers) off the opponent team’s starting pitcher Line Nelson (26) with a ball count of one strike, and connected it to a three-run homer over the left fence. It was his ninth homer in this season.

On the 8th, a day earlier, Kim Ha-sung showed a strong performance in the summer by shooting a two-run home run during an attack in the bottom of the fifth inning in a home game against Arizona at the same place.

Kim displayed batting average of 0.224 this season, as hot as the weather intensified by hitting home runs for two consecutive days. Thanks to the homeruns, however, his OPS, which combines on-base plus slugging percentage, has instantly returned to the .70 percent range. It is the first time in almost a month that Kim’s OPS reaches the mid-70 percent range.

In an interview with the San Diego Union-Turribune after the game on the 9th, Kim Ha-sung said through an interpreter David Lee, “Honestly, I could have been a better hitter if I had a little more luck with the ball that was in-play this season,” expressing regret that he was not lucky with his ball that hit well at the beginning of the season. 고소득알바

“But it’s still early in the season. That’s why we have more games to play,” he said. “I’m determined to improve every year in some ways. That’s why I’m confident to become a better hitter at the end of the season this year.”

Kim Ha-sung is showing a particularly strong figure in the hot summer. His record proves this.

In June last year, he posted a batting average of 0.291, four homers and 12 RBIs. His OPS during the period was also good at 0.844. In July last year, he posted a batting average of 0.337, five homers and nine RBIs. His OPS was a whopping 1.000.

Kim Ha-sung, the “summer killer,” seems to have maintained his reputation this year. Having shown poor performance with a batting average of 0.217 with three homers and seven RBIs with an OPS of 0.674 last month, Kim has shown a completely different performance with a batting average of 0.364 with two homers and eight RBIs with an OPS of 1.019 in June.

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