“I’m sorry” Director Park Choong-gyun, the story of a public apology to a ‘20-year-old’ student

“I apologize to Park Joon-young and his parents.”

Park Chung-gyun (50), head coach of Seoul E-Land, bowed his head. This is because remarks that could cause misunderstandings were made public through the media. Director Park, who faced the reporters at the Bucheon Sports Complex on the 18th, was not very bright, perhaps because of the interview that was delivered against his intention.  

In response to a question about the tight schedule at a pre-press conference ahead of the match against Bucheon FC 1995 (1-0 win), coach Park said, “I am very careful about speaking in front of reporters. Last time, the article went out against my intention. I don’t want to talk about players as much as possible,” he said in a heavy voice. 

There was a reason for his remarks. Coach Choong-gyun Park spoke with the nuance of ‘U-22 (under 22) card choice’ after the game against Chungnam Asan FC (0-2 loss) on the 15th. At the time, Park Joon-yeong (20) started as a starter, and when a question about the player came up, coach Park said, “I haven’t been able to keep up with the tempo since I played for the first time in a long time.” He blamed himself for his judgment, but it could be seen as meaning that Park Joon-young’s participation was a failure because it was directly related to the evaluation that followed. 

Head coach Park Choong-gyun, who suffered from an interview with the Chungnam-Asan match for three days, said, “I have to focus on the game, but I was stressed because of that. He said, “It is the coach’s fault to lose the game and make mistakes,” and said, “I will tell you after (the game).” 

After the interview, coach Park Choong-gyun, who led the victory against Bucheon, brought up the story again without leaving his seat. He said, “Park Joon-young and I (the article) were very nervous. I don’t want to blame the players. He said that he was worried about the U-22 card, but the article went out as if I had misused the U-22 card and lost.”

Director Park Choong-kyun said that he had two meetings with Park Joon-young regarding this incident. In addition, he formally apologized to Park Joon-young and his parents. “I also have a 26-year-old son. (His son) still looks young, but Park Joon-young is only 20 years old. He becomes psychologically withdrawn and I think his parents must have been worried too. He expressed his sincerity, saying, “I want to apologize to Park Joon-young and his parents. 

Park Joon-young, born in 2003,안전놀이터 is a rookie who made his professional debut last year in a Seoul E-Land uniform. He showed potential by appearing in 18 K-League 2 games in the 2022 season and scoring one goal, and even under coach Chung-gyun Park this season, he appeared in 5 games with faith. Director Park said, “It seems to be an ordeal that Park Joon-young has to overcome. I hope he overcomes well and grows into a good player.”

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