“Even if you come at 6 a.m., it’s number 700”… ‘People waiting in line’ flock to Yeouido 

“I see the long waiting line almost every day while commuting to work by subway. I feel sad when I don’t see it any more. Even though I’m busy heading to work with ‘moving메이저사이트 eyes’, I sometimes come to my senses by looking at the clear eyes of the people waiting.” This is what an employee of a financial company in the IFC

office that I recently met said. If you walk about 500 meters on the underground moving walkway at Yeouido Station of the Seoul Subway, you will reach the entrance to the store on the second basement level of ‘The Hyundai Seoul’. At around 7 a.m. on weekdays, a line for commuting to work forms on one side and a line for entering Hyundai on the other, using this moving walkway as a standard. It is certainly an unfamiliar sight to see a waiting line demanding ‘unparalleled patience’ lined up in the heart of Yeouido’s hurried basement. However, office workers here say that they do not dislike the sight of Yeouido becoming younger. Yeouido is no longer a stiff and uninteresting neighborhood for people. It has become a thing of the past to say that the place becomes extremely quiet after 5pm on weekdays. The people who fill the underpass regardless of weekdays or weekends are a cross-section of ‘Yeouido’s transformation.’ Yeouido’s underground sidewalk, which has become a mecca for ‘waiting in line’, was originally created for the convenience of transportation for office workers. It connects Yeouido Station on Seoul Subway Lines 5 and 9 to IFC Mall and The Hyundai without having to go outside . In particular, the connection with The Hyundai (Park One), which has made a significant contribution to the queue culture at pop-up stores, took about three years from May 2018 to January 2021. The existing underground walkway, which only connected Yeouido Station and IFC Mall, was extended several hundred meters to coincide with the completion of Park One.

However, in recent years, the scope of underpass use has expanded beyond simple pedestrian convenience. In the case of ‘Five Guys’, an American hamburger franchise that recently opened its second branch in Yeouido-dong, the first 100 people are accepted at the underground passage starting at 6 am. On opening day, on-site registration was completed in less than two hours. I left home early in the morning to taste the famous hamburger.

The ‘Maple Story’ pop-up store, which was held at The Hyundai for six days until the 15th, also had people waiting in the underpass from early in the morning. The one that is talked about as having the ‘longest waiting line ever’ is the pop-up store for the character ‘Bbangbbangi’, which ran until early August. It has become so popular that even if you arrive at the underpass at 6 a.m., you will still be given a waiting number for the 700 number.

How do the office workers in Yeouido who walk here every day feel about these changes? In general, many people were secretly happy with these ‘uninvited guests’. Because they are lined up in a straight line, not only do they not interfere with commuting to work, but they also allow us to learn about today’s sensibilities. An employee of an asset management company located at IFC said, “As I wear suits to work early in the morning, when I see many people in comfortable clothes waiting for something, I start to wonder if there is some kind of event going on.” He added, “As long as I go to work in Yeouido, I won’t miss the trend.

” “I think so,” he said. An executive in charge of stock management at another management company in the IFC office said, “Isn’t Yeouido so sensitive to information that it is a representative producer of jirashi?” and “As it is a business directly connected to trends, it is of great help to see trends with your own eyes

. “The road has become more fun than before,” he said. An employee at a nearby securities firm also said, “Honestly, I don’t understand waiting indefinitely for a specific brand or character,” but added, “I envy the passion that people have for something, and sometimes it’s stimulating.”

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