Dad who sexually assaulted his daughter’s friend 26 times… Appellate trial appeals for unfair treatment of “didn’t have sex”

A school bus driver in his 50s who was put on trial메이저사이트 on charges of sexually assaulting his daughter’s friend, a high school girl, for several years complained of injustice in the appeal trial, saying, “There was no sexual relationship.”

On the 6th, at the hearing of the 1st Criminal Division of the Daejeon High Court (Chief Judge Song Seok-bong), Mr. The appeal trial of the case proceeded. Previously, the prosecution had requested a 15-year prison sentence, the same as the original trial.

Ms. A was arrested and indicted on charges of luring Ms. B, who was her daughter’s friend, by saying that she would introduce her to a professor she knew, taking naked photos of Ms. B at the school driver’s office in 2017, and sexually assaulting her by threatening to distribute them. It was found that Mr. A sexually assaulted the victim 26 times at the driver’s office and motel over a period of more than three years.

Ms. B was afraid that her sexual assault would become known, so she was unable to report it, but filed a complaint when Mr. A, who had not contacted her for a while, sent her a photo again in February of last year.

Mr. A, who pleaded not guilty in the first trial, also denied the charges in the appeal trial. He said, “I didn’t do it, so how can I reach an agreement to reduce the sentence?” He argued, “Even if my deceased father comes back alive, there is no crime committed.” He then expressed his resentment, saying, “I didn’t have sex and my only crime was taking a picture.”

He also claimed in the first trial, “Ms. B said she had to give it to school as an assignment and handed me her cell phone and asked me to take a picture, so I reluctantly took a nude picture. I went to the motel, but we only talked outside.”

In the first trial held earlier, Mr. A was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The court explained the reason for the sentencing, saying, “The defendant used his position as a friend’s father to commit a crime, but he consistently made absurd excuses and damaged the victim’s reputation.”

The next trial for Mr. A will be held on the 20th of next month.

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