Being obsessed with the streets is poison…the moment you get greedy, you get hurt

◇ Running Beginners, Most Wary of All Injuries

It is injuries that learning beginners should be most wary of.

Due to the nature of Koreans, they often think that even if they are a little sick, they will get better if they endure it, but the most dangerous thing in running is “running with patience.”

“You have to pay attention to even the smallest pain my body is giving me. It is the worst thing to endure and run,” running coach Choi Jae-bin said. “I got a flat tire (injured) when I hit it with a car, and it is as dangerous as continuing to drive.”

One of the things that is needed to prevent injury is to stretch enough before departure. Slowly loosen your knees and ankles for about 10 to 15 minutes so as not to take too long.

Gradually raise your pulse rate by lifting your knees and running in place, and stretch both upper and lower bodies. When the weather is chilly, it is recommended to warm up at home or indoors rather than warm up outside.

It is also necessary to understand how to run properly. It is better to run with 180 steps per minute, but rather than running straight from the beginning, it is better to walk slowly.

Your gaze should be looking forward, slightly tightening your stomach and straightening your back and waist as if someone is holding the top of your head and raising it.

Hold your fist lightly and make an elbow angle of 90 degrees, but move your hands as if you are sending your arms back. It is comfortable to think that your fist gently passes by the solar plexus and pelvis. If your arms shake too much from side to side, you will need to move them as compactly as possible because weight will increase on your lower body.

When it comes to drinking water while running, it is better to eat a little bit before you feel thirsty. If you drink too much, it is difficult to run. However, the point is to drink little by little and often because not drinking water can strain your body.

Taking care of yourself after running is also important. After running, you need to lower your pulse slowly to achieve better results. It is better to fully relax your iliopsoas muscles (large muscles connecting the spine, pelvis, and thighs) by drinking water, turning your shoulders, arms, waist, and lunges.

After running, it is better to wash with cool water than warm water. Spraying hot water on the body can have adverse effects, and icing can help muscle recovery.

◇ Beginner running, how much do I have to run… ‘intensity’ rather than distance

The recent running competitions are largely divided into 5km, 10km, half marathon (21.28km), and full course marathon (42.195km).

Initially, it is important to aim for 5km, but gradually increase the distance.

Kawuchi Yuki, 37, who is famous in Japan as a “public servant marathoner,” advised him to run steadily, vaguely, when asked how much he should run every day. 꽁머니환전

Kawuchi became famous by winning the third place in the 2011 Tokyo Marathon and the bronze medal at the 2014 Incheon Asian Games as a public servant.

Having played in the neighborhood as a hobby, he is considered the most famous runner and the most unique marathoner in the world. Asked about his secret to running well, Kawuchi stressed that he should never overdo it from the beginning and constantly run for more than six months to a year to build his body.

Choi Jae-bin, a running coach who teaches ordinary people, gave similar advice. Starting with 2km for the first week, he talked about increasing it to 5km like accumulating mileage.

Rather than running recklessly, one should solidify one’s foundation by running for three minutes and walking for two minutes, and then increase the distance step by step. If one gets used to three-minute running or two-minute walking, one should increase the intensity by four-minute running or one-minute walking.

The point is to gradually increase the intensity rather than the simple number of ‘distance’. It is not desirable to stick to the distance in a ‘5km this week-6km next week’ manner. For example, if you raise the distance by the first, second, and third weeks, you need to “up down” by getting off again in the fourth week to prevent injury.

If you run for more than a certain period of time, there is a “runner’s high” effect that creates the urge to run indefinitely, and for beginners, it is recommended to finish exercising within 30 minutes.

“The important thing in running is that neither the first nor the second is to be greedy. The moment you are greedy, you get injured, and all you have accumulated so far is lost and reset (initialized),” coach Choi said.

There is no right answer to running, but it is recommended to run 5km at a time based on five weeks, and to run 10km when you are about 100 days old.

It is recommended to repeat 10K a few times to raise the record and challenge the full course in the second year, because if you challenge the half immediately after completing the 10K (10km running competition), you can get injured.

“People who run in the beginning run excitedly because they have a desire for distance, but they might get into a serious trouble,” coach Choi said. “Running is a double-edged sword. If you know well, there is no better sport than running. On the contrary, starting as a hobby should not be stressful. You should never endure running. You should keep in mind that if you run with patience, you can be hospitalized for as long as you have prepared.”

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