Anyone can learn 8 languages ​​in the age of AI

Latin captivated by meta and Google… His keen interest in the creativity of K-pop, who writes lyrics in a mixture of Korean and English,

began with an effort to understand the art creation process. As explained in the book ‘Thinking Like a Painter’, there was a lack of improvement even though I drew pictures and held several exhibitions. Contemporary art seems so difficult to the general public that it is called visual philosophy. In order to better understand contemporary art, I read a lot of books on art history and art criticism, and also wrote from the perspective of a critic. As a result, I was given the opportunity to write메이저사이트 a critique on painters such as Lee Kang-so and Kim Chong-hak.

The delights of ItalianAnother conclusion of this effort was the study of philosophy. I read a lot of philosophy books, but there were times when I could hardly understand them. In particular, when reading Western classics in translation, there are many cases where it is difficult to understand. Even well-translated books are difficult to understand. I read the translated version and if I don’t understand it, I read the English book backwards. If you still do not understand, try reading in the original language, such as German or Latin. It’s not a skill to read fluently, but you can get a big realization.

Those who went to study abroad in the US or Europe have a hard time because of the language barrier. Fifteen years ago, I felt that no matter how hard I tried, I wouldn’t be able to speak English perfectly, and I had an outrageous thought, ‘I’d rather learn all the languages ​​I wanted to try’. I’d rather learn a language that no one else learns. How about Manchu, Polish, Bengali, Swahili.
Korean society is too focused on practicality. The international language is English, but Chinese, Japanese and Spanish are also very useful. When I thoroughly rejected the practical aspect and decided to learn the language I wanted to learn, Italian caught my eye. It was a language that was cheerful enough to heal the depression I had at the time, yet had a deep meaning. Thanks to this, I can easily understand opera arias and partially read Dante’s new music. After that, I also studied French and German.

As he began to read philosophical books in earnest, he decided to learn Latin, the root of Western culture and the international language of intellectuals. It was the chance to read Spinoza’s ‘Etica’ by chance. At that time, I wondered why people read ‘Etica’ for years, but struggled with the translation without learning Latin. Latin was really difficult for him, but he learned it in about five years.

Latin grammar is very logical and beautiful. Latin was what Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, studied most diligently when he was in high school. Google gives preference to those who are fluent in Latin. Knowing Latin will help you write a translation program. In this day and age, things that were discarded as impractical in the past can be revived. Latin is an unrealistically difficult language, but learning it makes you really smart. At Da Vinci School, an ideal school, students learn Latin and Chinese at the same time. The two languages ​​were also international languages ​​of East and West in the past.

What I recommend to students for intellectual challenge is English·German·Dutch 1 group, Latin·French·Italian·Spanish·Portuguese 2 groups, Chinese·Chinese·Japanese 3 groups, Classical Greek(Greek)·Hebrew·Sanskrit·Pali 4 groups It is a group. All must be taught to the intermediate level, and one or two pursue to the advanced level. A lighter approach is to learn the Romance languages ​​first. You can learn Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French in any order you like (see table).This is a very good time to learn a foreign language. You can search the Internet for words you do not know, and you can also get help from Google Translate or Naver Papago. In front of Hongdae, you can see young people dating foreign friends using translators. If you know basic grammar and about 500 words, you can communicate more deeply. After mastering 50 basic expressions such as “thank you,” “good,” “happy,” and “cool,” it’s amazing that you can convey your emotions to others by using a translator.

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