When the Amazon River fell, a ‘sad face’ appeared 2,000 years ago

over 100 years, a rock carved with a human face, estimated to be up to 2,000 years old, was revealed.

On the 23rd (local time), Reuters reported, “The worst drought in the region in over카지노사이트 100 years has hit the region, causing river levels to reach their lowest,” adding, “As a result, the northern part of the Amazon where the Negro River (a tributary of the Amazon River) and the Solimos River meet. “Sculptures of human faces estimated to have been carved up to 2,000 years ago were exposed on the rocks in the basin,” the report said.

The water level of the Negro River dropped to 13.59 meters this month, the lowest level since records began in 1902. As tributaries of the Amazon River quickly dried up, small boats were stranded, food and water supplies were cut off to remote jungle villages, and more than 100 river dolphins died as water temperatures rose.“The rock carvings are prehistoric or pre-colonial,” Jaimi Zisantana Oliveira, an archaeologist working at Brazil’s National Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN), told Reuters. “I can’t give an exact date, but based on the evidence of people living in the area , “It appears to be from 1,000 to 2,000 years ago,” he said.

The shapes and expressions of faces carved into rocks are diverse. There are faces that smile widely with their mouths open, and faces that smile softly with the corners of their lips raised, as well as faces that look straight ahead indifferently as if they are in trouble. It was mainly carved on the flat side of the rock, but the protruding part of the rock was also used to express the face in three dimensions. Sometimes the face was drawn round, and sometimes it was drawn square. In some areas, smooth grooves were discovered where residents who lived before Europeans set foot on the continent may have sharpened their arrows and spears.

The rock was first discovered in 2010, but at the time, the river level was not as low as it was this year, so only a portion of it was exposed, making research difficult.

“This time, it is significant not only because we found more pieces, but also because we found a piece in the shape of a human face,” Oliveira said. “The discovery of a broader and more diverse piece will help researchers find its origin.” “It appears to be,” he added.

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