People’s power Geoje city council member, holding hands in front of female residents, “I only have two”

“1 out of 10 Vietnamese kids say ‘Pong'” Again after half a year of belittling foreign workers…

It is known that a member of the Geoje City Council, belonging to the People’s체스카지노 Power, made sexual harassment statements in front of female residents, and the opposition local organization criticized it.

On the 25th, the Geoje City Committee Women’s Committee of the Democratic Party said at a briefing at Geoje City Hall, “City Council member Yang Tae-seok apologizes to the residents of Dongbu-myeon and Geoje citizens and resigns immediately.”

According to them, Yang city councilman said, “I have no money, I only have two of these,” and put both hands on a specific part of the body.

It is reported that he apologized, saying, “I’m sorry” when protests came out at the scene, saying, “It’s a sexual harassment remark,” and “Can a city councilman say such a thing?”

The Democratic Party criticized, “Rep. Yang has fallen into a serious moral insensitivity that does not even recognize what he has done wrong and how much he has done wrong.

They also said, “It turns out that both city councilors (at the time) said, ‘It is not sexual harassment because it is a remark made in front of a large number of people.'”

Regarding the ‘Foreign Worker Assistance Ordinance’, which was being reviewed by the city council at the time, City Councilman Yang said, “One out of 10 Vietnamese children do ‘Pong’ (drugs)” and “Do not work properly and are lazy.”

On the 14th of this month, the Geoje City Council also issued a ‘public apology and warning’ discipline to both city councilors.

It is known that Democratic City Council members are planning to file a complaint with the City Council Ethics Committee about the sexual harassment remarks by City Council Member Yang.

In a phone call with <Pressian>, Democratic Party member Han Eun-jin said, “The party has reviewed it,” and said that a complaint will be made soon.

Both city councilors were reported to have not responded to attempts by the media to cover phone calls and text messages.

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