‘I can’t believe this’ US college baseball player, ‘really’ shot during game… Local broadcast deplored “a country with more guns than its population”

 An unbelievable incident occurred when an American college baseball player was knocked down by a stray bullet flying near the baseball field while standing in the bullpen during a game.

According to a recent report by ABC, the shooting occurred during a game between the University of Houston and Texas A&M University held in Texarkana, Texas, USA at around 5:30 pm local time on the 29th of last month.

“The grenade came from the west side near the ballpark and hit an 18-year-old player standing in the bullpen,” Texarkana police said in an interview with local media after the accident. The player was immediately taken to the nearby St. Michael’s Hospital and is said to be recovering after undergoing surgery to remove the bullet.

Police said they are looking for two men aged 17 and 20 as suspects in the shooting.

In the United States, where individual gun ownership is allowed, gun-related accidents are not yesterday or today. In a speech to Congress earlier this year, US President Joe Biden urged the enactment of strong gun control laws, saying, “In the United States, an average of 316 people are shot every day.”

ABC Broadcasting lamented,메이저놀이터 “As of 2018, the United States has a population of 332 million, but the number of guns is 383 million, making it a strange country with more guns than population.” This is more than the number of cars in the United States (276 million), and Americans own 40% of the world’s firearms.

The media also said, “As of 2020, the US gun market has grown to a scale of 63.5 billion dollars (approximately 85.1154 trillion won) annually.” It doesn’t look like it will be easy to pass through Congress.”

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