China’s King Calls for Cooperation between Korea, China and Japan

Wang Yi, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office), who is the number one in China’s diplomatic line, appealed for cooperation among the three Asian countries of Korea, China, and Japan, saying, “No matter how much you dye your hair blonde and raise your nose, you cannot become a Westerner.” did.

According to Chinese media such as Pengpai메이저사이트, Commissioner Wang urged cooperation among Korea, China, and Japan through a congratulatory speech at the ‘Korea-China-Japan Trilateral Cooperation International Forum’ event held in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China on the 3rd.

Wang Yuan pointed out that Westerners cannot differentiate between Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese, saying, “No matter how much you dye your hair blonde and have a high nose, you cannot be a Westerner. We need to know where our roots are.” At the same time, he also used the expression “Asia is our common residence, and the three countries are close neighbors that cannot be moved.” It is interpreted as urging South Korea and Japan not to join the US-led siege of China.

Wang Yuan said, “We must uphold independence and self-reliance, unite and self-strength. We respect Japan and Korea for developing relations with countries around the world, but neither relationship can be used to suppress or encircle our close neighbors. ”he said.

“The three countries of China, Japan, and Korea, as well as Asian countries, practice open regionalism, promote inclusive Asian values, cultivate a sense of strategic autonomy, maintain regional unity and stability, and reject the territorial invasion of Cold War thinking. He emphasized that he should firmly hold the fate of his country and his region in his own hands without being threatened by hegemony or supremacy.”

He also mentioned remarks aimed at the United States, saying, “Individual powers outside the region intentionally propagate ideological differences in order to promote geopolitical interests, and form various exclusive small groups to promote confrontation instead of cooperation and division instead of unity.” He added, “If this trend is left unattended, it will not only seriously hinder the smooth promotion of trilateral cooperation, but also intensify tension and confrontation in the regional situation.”

The forum, co-hosted by the Korea-China-Japan Cooperation Secretariat, the China Public Diplomacy Association, and the Qingdao Municipal Government, was held under the theme of “Revitalizing Korea-China-Japan Cooperation in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Strategic Communication, Economy and Trade Connection, and People’s Sympathy.” Former government officials and experts from various countries participated.

The Korea, China, and Japan Cooperation Secretariat, headquartered in Seoul, is an international consultative body between the governments of the three countries that supports the operation of various consultative bodies under the trilateral cooperation system and discovers and supports cooperative projects.

It was officially launched in September 2011 according to the agreement reached at the Korea-China-Japan Summit in May 2010, and the three countries take turns serving as the secretary-general for two years.

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