Campers who feel sorry for the Jamboree “How can I do without a tarp…”

 One of the hottest issues in our society recently is the World Scout Jamboree.

The experienced campers watching this are confused.

Many campers responded that they were astonished at the fact that the organizers did not properly prepare for camping in the heat of summer.

Looking at the tents exposed defenselessly in the midsummer sun, it reminded me of the camp barracks in the Iraqi desert that I encountered 20 years ago when I was a war correspondent in Iraq.

The reporter arrived at the site in 2003 with the first group of the ROK Army dispatched to Nasiriyah in southern Iraq.

They managed to set up the barracks despite the temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius and the blowing sand, but the temperature inside the barracks easily exceeded 50 degrees.

However, I think that the military barracks built in the poor Iraqi desert were better than those installed at this Jamboree.

It was thick and made of two layers, so it blocked UV rays to some extent.

However, it is safe to say that almost 100% of sunlight penetrates the tents at the Jamboree site.

I was astonished at the campsite without a tarp (shade).

This is because avoiding the scorching sun is the most important factor in camping in the heat of summer.

In summer, if there is no shade from trees, artificial shade must be provided.

Most campers in Korea install a tarp when camping in the summer heat these days.

If you think of a tarp as a tent fly, you are mistaken.

In the case of an ordinary tent, the fabric used is generally about 75D (denier/thickness of thread).

The material of the tarp used to make the shade should be thicker than this.

In order to secure the minimum shade in midsummer, it should be 210D or higher, 150/300D if possible.

As for tarps, there are many evaluations that black coated tarps developed by small and medium-sized domestic companies are more effective than expensive foreign brands.

It would have been nice if they had installed the tapra as well.

There was also a report that 74% of the 메이저사이트117 billion won budget allocated to the Jamboree was used for operating expenses.

It is said that the cost of establishing infrastructure and setting up a campground was worth the money.

There is another case of lack of awareness about outdoor activities.

Recently online, it was reported that a conventional toilet was installed at the Jamboree venue, and public opinion was inflamed.

This is because a notice presumed to have been written by an official from the Jeollabuk-do region’s civil servants’ labor union contained the content that “I ordered a local public official to clean the toilet, but it was a one-sided flush toilet, not the latest flush toilet.”

However, if you actually know it, this toilet is a ‘Pose-style’ (泡洗式) toilet, which is different from the conventional toilet called ‘Fuse-style’.

Pose-sik is a toilet that flushes with foam instead of water, and was developed to compensate for the shortcomings of flush toilets and conventional toilets. The name comes from the fact that when you go to the toilet, foam comes down and washes it away.

It has the advantage of being able to be installed in places where flush toilets cannot be installed, so it is mainly used for portable toilets, and this type of flush toilet was also supplied to the competition hall.

One camper said, “I learned how ignorant this society is about the outdoors when I saw that Pose-sik was written as Puse-sik.”

Experienced campers do not leave summer camping.

However, if I had to hold an international competition inevitably, I wonder if I should have consulted with experts at least.

In the meantime, a typhoon is coming up.

The organizing committee also decided that it would be virtually impossible to camp in the territory if a typhoon accompanied by heavy rain landed, and eventually decided to withdraw all of them.

It is only hoped that each local government will make up for the loss of opportunities to publicize Korea widely due to lack of preparation.

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